Law company «Abkhaznak»
Our company provides services in the following directions:
Спектр услуг в сфере интеллектуальной собственности:

protection of copyright and related rights
verification of trademarks for identity and similarity, expert evaluation
registration, protection and maintenance of trademarks (service marks) and appellations of origin development
registration of contracts for the creation of intellectual property, the disposal of rights to them
disputes on trademarks and service marks, disputes on unfair competition
representation in arbitration courts, courts of general jurisdiction, pre-trial settlement
design, development of a logo, trademark
development of corporate identity, in accordance with the trademark (design of products, labels, advertising signs, packaging)
Услуги в области корпоративного управления

- Support of transactions on purchase and sale of business in the Republic of Abkhazia
- Joint venture
- Legal support of venture investments
- Analysis and preparation of internal documents regulating the activities of the company's management bodies
- Development of founding documents, changes in the structure of the authorized capital, decisions of governing bodies
- Reorganization and liquidation of legal entities.

Preparation of draft normative legal acts and analytical materials for them
Representation in public authorities
Preparation of the GR strategy on the issues of state regulation
Support and training of analyst on issues of government regulation
Organization of cooperation with relevant business associations (associations)
Evaluation and development of PR strategy
Недвижимость и строительство

- Real estate transactions (rent, purchase and sale, pledge, construction in progress)
- Assessment of "purity" of ownership of real estate
- Construction contract
- Representation in courts on real estate and construction disputes
- The assessment of the risks associated with the possession, use, and disposition of property
- Advising legal entities and individuals on issues of rights to immovable property and transactions with it
- Valuation of investment real estate transactions
- Pre-trial settlement of conflicts
- Disputes in the sphere of application of town-planning norms
в Республике Абхазия
- Provision of information on projects and business environment in the Republic of Abkhazia required by foreign investors in operational mode
- Implementation of diagnostics of the investment object (financial, economic, management and marketing analysis)
- Development of business plans for investment projects and adapts them to the requirements of the Investor
- Development of a feasibility study for an investment project
- Registration of the applicant's right to a land plot for the implementation of the investment project on the territory of the Republic of Abkhazia
- Registration of permits and conciliation documents required for the implementation of the investment project
- Support of foreign investors at all stages of investment projects
- Services of management of investment projects
- Obtaining the status of a resident of a special economic zone in the Republic of Abkhazia
- Information and analytical services
Инвестирование в Абхазии
Для инвесторов в Абхазии есть несколько существенных плюсов. Прежде всего это уникальное географическое положение. Помимо климатических условий, позволяющих успешно развивать туризм и сельское хозяйство, Абхазия является транзитным коридором для грузов, идущих из России и в Россию из стран черноморского бассейна и Южного Кавказа. Богатые гидроресурсы таят в себе потенциал для развития энергетики и экспорта питьевой воды.
Относительно низкие налоги, дополнительные льготы и послабления инвесторам, наличие особой экономической зоны благоприятствуют инвестиционному климату Республики Абхазия.
Свяжитесь с нами
+7 940 999 90 69
Operating mode:
9.00 – 18.00
10.00 – 15.00
Sunday-day off
Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Абхазнак»
Республика Абхазия, г. Сухум, улица 4 марта, 116
ИНН 11000343 КПП 111000110
Банковские реквизиты:
АО КБ «ЮНИСТРИМ», г. Москва
к/с 30101810145250000550
БИК 044525550,
КБ «Универсал-банк», г. Сухум, ул. Пушкина, 16
БИК 040396996
Для зачисления на счет:
№ 40702810500000000561 ИНН 11000343 КПП 111000110
Владелец счета ООО «Абхазнак»
Название организации (Банка)
Тел. 226-32-48, КБ «Универсал-банк» (ООО),
г.Сухум, ул. Пушкина, 16.
Директор: Читанава Темур Отарович (действует на основании Устава)