
protection of copyright and related rights verification of trademarks for identity and similarity, expert evaluation registration, protection and maintenance of trademarks (service marks) and appellations of origin development registration of contracts for the creation of intellectual property, the disposal of rights to them disputes on trademarks and service marks, disputes…
Support of transactions on purchase and sale of business in the Republic of Abkhazia Joint venture Legal support of venture investments Analysis and preparation of internal documents regulating the activities of the company's management bodies Development of founding documents, changes in the structure of the authorized capital, decisions of governing…
Real estate transactions (rent, purchase and sale, pledge, construction in progress) Assessment of "purity" of ownership of real estate Construction contract Representation in courts on real estate and construction disputes The assessment of the risks associated with the possession, use, and disposition of property Advising legal entities and individuals on…
Preparation of draft normative legal acts and analytical materials for them Representation in public authorities Preparation of the GR strategy on the issues of state regulation Support and training of analyst on issues of government regulation Organization of cooperation with relevant business associations (associations) Evaluation and development of PR strategy
There are several significant advantages for investors in Abkhazia. First of all, it is a unique geographical location. In addition to the climatic conditions that make it possible successfully develop tourism and agriculture, Abkhazia is a transit corridor for goods coming from Russia and to Russia from the countries washed…
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